<![CDATA[Kizzie Jones, Author - Blog]]>Mon, 08 Apr 2024 13:10:51 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[Historias detrás del crucero al atardecer del Año Nuevo Lunar Dragón]]>Mon, 08 Apr 2024 19:13:34 GMThttps://kizziejones.com/blog/historias-detras-del-crucero-al-atardecer-del-ano-nuevo-lunar-dragon
Hace veinte años, mientras visitaba a mi hija en Taiwán, me enteré de las celebraciones del Año Nuevo Lunar chino. El calendario lunar marca el tiempo según las fases de la luna. Esto difiere del calendario del mundo occidental basado en el sol. Cuando era niña, pensaba erróneamente que había nacido en el año chino de la Serpiente. Sin embargo, el Calendario Lunar incluyó mi cumpleaños de enero en el Año del Dragón. A medida que se acercaba el ciclo de doce años y el próximo Año del Dragón en 2024, era una oportunidad propicia para planificar un evento especial para el sábado 10 de febrero, el inicio del Año Nuevo Lunar del Dragón.

¡Y ahora el resto de la historia!

Y pensar que todo empezó porque me mareo en embarcaciones pequeñas…

Vivo en el noroeste del Pacífico de los Estados Unidos y, a menudo, escucho con celos a los viajeros contar sus aventuras más recientes de avistamiento de ballenas. Pero cuando lo intenté, ¡me mareé! Habiendo atravesado con éxito el Atlántico cuatro veces en un barco durante mi infancia sin efectos nocivos, me consternó cuando, tenía 30 años, un viaje corto en un velero y un bote me provocó mareos. Esa infame descripción de la experiencia en la que “primero piensas que vas a morir de esta miseria y luego tienes miedo de no hacerlo”, sonaba cierta.

Aprendí que los barcos más grandes tenían estabilizadores que ayudaban a prevenir el balanceo excesivo y el mareo. Con los dedos cruzados y de vacaciones en México, investigué empresas de Cabo que también ofrecían cruceros privados. ¡Eureka! Love Shack Cruises ofreció excursiones de cuatro horas con comida y bebida, un mirador exterior en el nivel superior y alojamiento interior protegido. Perfecto.
El resultado fue el inolvidable crucero nocturno descrito en mi publicación, “Año Nuevo Lunar del Dragón Crucero al Atardecer, Cabo San Lucas 10 de febrero de 2024."

Traducción: Prof A. Winston
Texto original
<![CDATA[Crucero al atardecer por el Año Nuevo Lunar Dragón. Cabo San Lucas 10 de febrero de 2024]]>Mon, 08 Apr 2024 18:49:36 GMThttps://kizziejones.com/blog/crucero-al-atardecer-por-el-ano-nuevo-lunar-dragon-cabo-san-lucas-10-de-febrero-de-2024
​Asombrados, vimos a las ballenas saltar, agitar las aletas, lanzar chorros de agua y chapotear con su cola antes de deslizarse con gracia hacia las profundidades del Mar de Cortés.

Thom, Kizzie Marie, su amigo Jeff y yo aprovechamos la celebración del Año Nuevo Lunar del Dragón para disfrutar de un crucero al atardecer desde la Marina de Cabo San Lucas.

Era el momento para celebrar la Vida y hacer patente nuestra Gratitud a nuestros amigos:
  • Mike y Jodi Mar que viajaron con nosotros desde Edmonds,
  • Aidé Barragán y su mamá Marta, amantes de los perros salchicha,
  • Jonás Castro, Director y creador de contenido de TVO Diferente,
  • El profesor Winston y su esposa Nixania Barragán, quienes fundaron el Programa de promoción a la lectura de la Sala de Hermanita de Ysabela, (la hermana pequeña de Isabela),
  • Su hijo Bernardo Izcalli y su novia Fernanda Pajarito,
  • Y maestros que conocimos y con los que trabajamos en las escuelas locales durante los últimos diez años arropados por la Hermanita de Ysabela: el administrador escolar Roberto Montaño y su esposa Angélica, Fabiola García Ángeles, Leticia Aguilar y Raquel Barbaza.
El día previo por zarpar, falleció el famoso y querido bailarín mexicano Maestro Jaime Blanc. Winston dedicó la excursión de esa noche a su memoria. Dediqué la velada a Edythe Stromme, una hermana Dragón y mi mejor amiga, que compartió nuestro último Año Nuevo Lunar Dragón juntas en 2012. Cómo me hubiera encantado que ella todavía estuviera conmigo para celebrar este año.
Como en una película cuidadosamente coreografiada, la velada se desarrolló una escena tras otra.

Comenzamos el viaje en la cubierta superior. Para mi gran deleite y gratitud, Jonás Castro grabó en video a Winston mientras entrevistaba a cada uno de los invitados dando oportunidad de que hablaran un poco de ellos mismos. Al final de la tertulia, nos sorprendió recibir enlaces de las entrevistas en una magnífica edición de los acontecimientos de la velada. ¡Muchas gracias, Jonás!

La buena suerte nos sonrió ya que a los pocos momentos de navegar encontramos ballenas. El capitán, consciente de las leyes de seguridad para proteger a los animales, mantuvo una distancia segura y guió el barco paralelo a su camino. Las ballenas reflejaban la alegría de nuestro encuentro y salieron a la superficie repetidamente. Cautivados, vimos la exhibición de ballenas, dos marsopas y tres leones marinos.

Contemplamos con asombro el paisaje icónico del Arco de Cabo San Lucas, la parte posterior de las rocas del Fin de la Tierra y sus playas; su belleza solo puede ser contemplada en barco o en avión.

Bajamos las escaleras al interior cálido y acogedor del yate, cuando hacía demasiado frío y viento en la terraza exterior, y nos extendimos en la sala de estar, dos dormitorios y una terraza de observación trasera. Pequeños grupos se reunieron para charlar.

Comimos fruta fresca y queso mientras un miembro de la tripulación preparaba un delicioso festín mexicano de tacos de pollo y carne con arroz y frijoles. ¡Tiernos y deliciosamente sazonados!
Fuimos testigos, en todo su esplendor, de la Madre Naturaleza al atardecer, en el crepúsculo rosa cenizo, con una pequeña luna creciente poniéndose y, finalmente, el mar obscuro y ciudades costeras iluminadas.

Una vez que oscureció, nos congregamos en la sala para compartir nuestros talentos. Apegados a la Bunte Abend alemana (Tarde de colores), los invitados participaron. Bernardo tocó su violonchelo (animado por Fernanda) y acompañado por Jeff, en la guitarra. Thom dirigió un canto con guitarra, acompañados por el violonchelo, cantamos canciones en español e inglés. Kizzie Marie cantó “Memories”, de Maroon 5, acompañada a la guitarra por Jeff. Fabiola, de la escuela Alebrije, cantó una canción en español sobre “lágrimas saladas que fluyen hacia el mar salado”. Roberto Montaño contó la historia de la región, ¡incluyendo cuentos exóticos de piratas y amor prohibido! El profesor Winston tradujo generosamente. ¡El programa concluyó con un impactante truco de cartas realizado por Kizzie Marie!

Siguiendo el espíritu de la tradición china de regalar sobres rojos, cada invitado recibió un sobre rojo con un pequeño regalo en su interior. Además, los educadores recibieron un juego de mis tres libros infantiles “Pequeñas Historias de Perros Salchichas”, para sus escuelas.

Para mi sorpresa, también recibí regalos: latas de mariscos, camisetas de un festival de arte, un collar con dije de sirena en honor a las criaturas marinas de Pequeñas Historias de Perros Salchichas y ¡el dragón de peluche perfecto encontrado en Cabo!

Las cuatro horas pasaron demasiado pronto, cada momento se aprovechó, ninguna actividad planeada quedó pendiente.
Aprecié la oportunidad de celebrar entre amigos queridos y familiares de mi hogar en Edmonds y en Cabo San Lucas.

¡Me maravillé de cómo los encuentros casuales de hace diez años crearon una comunidad internacional de amistad tan amplia, con vitalidad para promover la lectura en comunidad y el amor a los perros salchicha!

Los créditos cinematográficos finales transcurrieron entre abrazos y besos, expresiones de agradecimiento, marcaron la despedida del grupo. La gratitud que me hizo un nudo en la garganta provocó que se me humedecieran los ojos mientras disfrutaba de los años de estar involucrada con una comunidad tan dinámica y amorosa.

Traducción: Prof A. Winston

Texto original
<![CDATA[Backstories to Dragon Lunar New Year Sunset Cruise]]>Sun, 03 Mar 2024 19:30:00 GMThttps://kizziejones.com/blog/backstories-to-dragon-lunar-new-year-sunset-cruise
Twenty years ago, while visiting my daughter in Taiwan, I learned of Chinese Lunar New Year Celebrations. The lunar calendar marks time by the phases of the moon. This differs from the Western world’s calendar based on the sun. As a child, I mistakenly thought I was born in the Chinese year of the Snake. However, the Lunar Calendar included my January birthday in the Year of the Dragon. As the twelve-year cycle and next Year of the Dragon approached in 2024, it was an auspicious opportunity to plan a special event for Saturday, February 10th, the start of the Dragon Lunar New Year. 
And now for the rest of the story!
And to think it all started because I get seasick in small boats …

I live in the Pacific Northwest of the United States and often jealously listened to travelers expound on their most recent whale-watching adventures. But when I tried, seasickness hit! Having successfully traversed the Atlantic four times on a ship during my childhood with no ill effects, it dismayed me when in my 30s a short voyage on a sailboat and a dingy resulted in seasickness. That infamous description of the experience when, “you first think you’ll die of this wretchedness and then are afraid you won’t,” rang true.

I learned that larger boats had stabilizers which helped prevent excessive rocking and seasickness. Fingers crossed and on vacation in Mexico, I researched Cabo companies that also offered private cruises. Eureka! Love Shack Cruises offered four-hour excursions with food and drinks, an upper level outside viewing deck as well as protected inside accommodations. Perfect.

The result was the unforgettable evening cruise described in my post, “Dragon Lunar New Year Sunset Cruise Cabo San Lucas February 10, 2024."
<![CDATA[Dragon Lunar New Year Sunset Cruise Cabo San Lucas February 10, 2024]]>Fri, 01 Mar 2024 23:56:29 GMThttps://kizziejones.com/blog/dragon-lunar-new-year-sunset-cruise-cabo-san-lucas-february-10-2024
Awestruck, we watched whales breach, flippers flailed, blowholes sprayed, and tails slapped before they slid gracefully into the depths of the Sea of Cortez.

Thom, Kizzie Marie, her friend Jeff, and I took the occasion of the Dragon Lunar New Year to enjoy a Sunset Cruise from the Cabo San Lucas Marina.

It was a time to celebrate Life and offer Gratitude to friends:
  • Mike and Jodi Mar who traveled with us from Edmonds,
  • Dachshund lovers Aide Barragan and her mom Marta,
  • Jonaz Castro, Director of the local Radio Diferente and TVO Diferente,
  • Professor Winston and wife Nixania Barragan, who founded the Literacy Program Hermanita de Ysabela, (Isabela’s Little Sister),
  • Their son Bernardo Izcalli and sweetheart Fernanda Parajito,
  • And teachers we met and worked with at the local schools over the past ten years under the umbrella of Hermanita de Ysabela—​School Administrator Roberto Montaño and his wife Angélica, Fabiola Garcia Angeles, Aguilar Leticia, and Raquel Barbaza.

The day prior to the sail, the famous and beloved Mexican dancer Maestro Jaime Blanc died. Winston dedicated the evening’s excursion to his memory. I dedicated the evening to Edythe Stromme—a sister Dragon and my best friend—who shared in our last Dragon Lunar New Year together in 2012. How I would have loved to still have her with me to celebrate this year.
​As if a carefully choreographed movie, the evening unfolded one scene after another.

We began the cruise on the upper deck. To my great delight and gratitude, guest Jonaz Castro videoed Winston while he interviewed each of the guests as they introduced themselves. By the end of the evening, we were astonished to receive links to both the interviews and a montage of the evening’s events! ¡Muchas Gracias, Jonaz!

Good fortune rained upon us as within moments of sailing we encountered whales. The captain, mindful of safety laws to protect the animals, kept a safe distance and guided the boat parallel to their path. The whales reflected our joy-filled outing and breached and surfaced repeatedly. Enthralled, we watched the display of whales, two porpoises, and three sea lions!

We gazed in awe at the iconic landscape of the Cabo Arches and the back side of the Land’s End rocks and their beaches—viewers can only see them by boat or air.

We moved downstairs into a warm inviting interior when it became too cold and windy on the outside deck, and spread out into the living room, two bedrooms, and a back viewing deck. Small groups gathered to chat.

We snacked on fresh fruit and cheese while a crew member set out a scrumptious Mexican feast of chicken and beef tacos with rice and beans. Tender and deliciously seasoned!

We witnessed Mother Nature in all her glory in the sunset, at dusty-rose twilight, with a sliver of a setting crescent moon, and eventually a black sea and lit-up coastal towns.

​Once dark, we congregated in the living room to share our talents. Likened to the German Bunte Abend, (Colorful Evening), the guests participated. Bernardo performed on his cello (cheered on by Fernanda) and accompanied by friend, Jeff, on guitar. Thom led a sing-along with guitar—accompanied by the cello—for both Spanish and English songs. Kizzie Marie sang “Memories,” by Maroon 5, accompanied again on guitar by Jeff. Fabiola from Alebrije School, sang a song in Spanish about “salty tears flowing into the salty sea.” Roberto Montaño told the history of the region—including exotic tales of pirates and forbidden love! Professor Winston generously translated. The program concluded with Kizzie Marie vexing us with a card trick!

In the spirit of the Chinese tradition to give red envelopes, each guest received a red envelope with a small present tucked inside. Also, the educators received a set of my three children’s books, Dachshund Tall Tales, for their schools.

To my surprise, I was also the receiver of gifts: cans of seafood, tee shirts from an art festival, a mermaid charm necklace in honor of the sea creatures from the Dachshund Tall Tales, and the perfect stuffed dragon found in Cabo!

All too soon the four hours were over with not a moment wasted and not an activity left undone.
I cherished the chance to celebrate among dear friends and family from home in Edmonds and from Cabo San Lucas.

I marveled how chance meetings ten years ago created such an extended international community of friendship, for the advancement of literacy and for the love of dachshunds!

The cinematic credits rolled as hugs and kisses, along with expressions of appreciation, punctuated the group’s leave-taking. Lump-in-my-throat gratitude resulted in wet eyes as I relished the years of being involved with such a dynamic and loving community. 
<![CDATA[In the Book Nook - Kizzie Jones]]>Fri, 15 Dec 2023 14:48:45 GMThttps://kizziejones.com/blog/in-the-book-nook-kizzie-jones
(This article first appeared in The Subtimes on December 8, 2023, by Susanne Bacon)

Author Kizzie Jones lives in Edmonds, WA, with her dachshunds and her partner Thomas Wert. A dachshund lover, Kizzie has been owned by many dachshunds, models for the dynamic dogs in her children’s stories. Her books, some also available in bilingual editions, have won multiple awards; “A Tall Tale about Dachshunds in Costumes: How MORE Dogs Came to Be” (2019) won her most recent award, First in Category, Little Peeps Book Awards from Chanticleer Reviews in September 2020.

​Kizzie charms young readers via accurate descriptions of dogs and oceanside life, enhanced with illustrations by Bellingham artist Scott Ward.

Kizzie Jones is also a contributing author to the 2019 anthology “Writing In Place: Prose and Poetry from the Pacific Northwest.” She is a member of a writers’ group, The Edmonds Writing Sisters; of EPIC (Every Person is Creative) Group Writers, Edmonds, Washington; Skagit Valley Writers, Greater Gig Harbor Literary Society, a founding member and keynote speaker of the First Rockaway Writers Rendezvous Conference, Rockaway Beach, OR; from 2013 through 2020 she did a yearly book reading/writing tour with her children’s books in schools in Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo, Mexico; and she gives readings in local libraries, schools, and bookshops. With Covid curtailing indoor readings, she focused on attending more outdoor dachshund events.

When Kizzie doesn’t write, she relishes spending time with her daughter Kizzie Marie Funkhouser, sitting in her backyard garden, taking meandering walks with her dogs, getting refreshed by water-walking at the local pool, and relaxes while listening to audio books.

Which genres do you cover?
Kizzie Jones: Whimsical Tall Tales, Memoir Vignettes.

Which is the latest book you had published, and what is about?
Kizzie Jones: My most recent book was an anthology, “Writing In Place: Prose & Poetry from the Pacific Northwest” (2019), our favorite pieces compiled by the Edmonds Writing Sisters.

At which book events can readers find you?
Kizzie Jones: Edmonds Arts Festival; Beach Crafters and Rockaway Writers Rendezvous Conference, Rockaway Beach, OR; DACHSAND, Seaside, OR; at the Chelan, WA Top Dog St. Patrick’s Day Parade followed by a book signing at Riverwalk Books; Edmonds Bookshop Author Lightning Round Event; Edmonds Holiday Art Market at ArtWorks.

Which book event connecting you with readers is your favorite and why?
Kizzie Jones: Doxie Events. Dachshund lovers are my greatest fans! And I adore dachshunds and their people!

Do(es) your book(s) have any specific messages to your readers and, if so, which are they?
Kizzie Jones: My professional life as a spiritual care provider influenced my writing in Life’s Third Chapter. By using whimsy and make-believe, I hope to nourish the seeds of compassion, kindness, and inclusivity in the hearts of children and adults alike, starting with my very first tall tale, “How Dachshunds Came to Be.” “A Tall Tale About a Dachshund and a Pelican” emphasizes how we can like without being alike and how we can not only discover our differences but also celebrate them. “A Tall Tale About Dachshunds in Costumes” exemplifies how unbounded imagination can help us with self-discovery and self-acceptance. I hope each time the books are read, seeds are planted to further the cause for a gentleness of spirit for all humanity and nature. Picture a world of friends delighting in the whimsy of life, bringing out the best in one another. I can think of no greater legacy.

Which writer(s) keep(s) inspiring you and why?
Kizzie Jones: Barbara Kingsolver, Amor Towles (A Gentleman in Moscow), Ann Patchett, Bill Bryson, Elizabeth Gilbert, Timothy Eagan, William Kent Krueger, Anne Lamont, Naomi Wark (Wildflowers in Winter), Alice Boatwright. Poets: Mary Oliver, Gerald M Bigelow, Kim McKellar (GO, wake the bear), Mark Boyd, Darlene Dubay, Marcia Cameron McLaughlin.

Do you have any specific writing habits?
Kizzie Jones: Read and re-read my work aloud to help edit. Read as if for a performance.

What are you currently working on?
Kizzie Jones: Marketing for my Dachshund Tall Tales and Anthology – My new frontiers: BookTok and writing memoir vignettes.

Which book are you currently reading simply for entertainment?
Kizzie Jones: “The Bird Hotel” by Joyce Maynard and “A Gentleman in Moscow” by Amor Towles

What advice would you give any aspiring author?
Kizzie Jones: Just get it down. If written, it can be edited and corrected. Not so much an empty page.

You can find Kizzie Jones’ books, which are also available in in English, Spanish, German, and French, on her website kizziejones.com, in bookstores, and on Amazon.
<![CDATA[Edmonds’ Neverending Bookshop’s last chapter is anything but sad]]>Thu, 14 Dec 2023 22:30:00 GMThttps://kizziejones.com/blog/edmonds-neverending-bookshops-last-chapter-is-anything-but-sad
Annie Carl, owner of The Neverending Bookshop in Edmonds. (Greg Gilbert / The Seattle Times, 2019)
(This article originally appeared in the Seattle Timespublished December 6, 2023. Photos from 2019.)

The Neverending Bookshop was first founded more than eight years ago in Bothell before moving to Perrinville Village in Edmonds in 2018, where it blossomed into the self-described “feminist, activist genre indie bookshop” that it is today.

It’s a cozy, dragon-themed haven stocked with a deep selection of fantasy, science fiction and children’s books. Though she’s just on the cusp of turning 40, Annie Carl, the shop’s owner, has more than 25 years of bookselling experience, and Carl’s little shop that could quickly became an essential resource for the region’s bookselling community. 

So it was a big deal when, earlier this fall, Carl announced that The Neverending Bookshop would be closing its doors forever on Dec. 17.

It’s always sad when a bookstore closes, but Carl is anything but heartbroken by the decision to write The Neverending Bookstore’s final chapter. “When I moved to the space in Edmonds and rebranded as a feminist, activist genre bookstore, it really took on a life of its own.

Customers were excited, I was excited, and I just kept riding that wave of joy,” she says. “I still have a lot of joy about being in my store and running it.”

A decade ago, when she wrote the business plan for what would become The Neverending Bookshop, Carl decided that “I would shut down the store after 20 or 30 years when I was ready to retire or when the stress started outweighing the fun. 

And earlier this year, that’s kind of what started happening,” she says. “It started impacting my relationships with my family, with my husband and my son, with my parents, my friends.”

Over a year ago, Carl was diagnosed with vasculitis, an autoimmune disorder that inflames blood vessels, causing exhaustion and chronic pain. 

Carl is no stranger to health issues: She was born with a spinal birth defect and went through six years of successful treatment for stage four non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

“Books have been a coping mechanism for me and my medical trauma and PTSD,” she says.

 “They’ve been an escape.” After a certain point, she thinks bookselling “was another way to continue being immersed in books, but also an avoidance tactic” to come to terms with
her journey.

But because “the store launched with such a joyful note, I want to do a joyful send off for it because it’s been an immense and amazing and incredible part of my life,” Carl says. 

Annie Carl, owner of The Neverending Bookshop in Edmonds. (Greg Gilbert / The Seattle Times, 2019)
On Dec. 17 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Carl will host a celebration with cupcakes and a hot chocolate bar provided by Mel & Mia’s, “which is the bakery in the same building as mine.”

The bookselling community was rocked by the news. Brian Juenemann, the Executive Director and Marketing Director at the Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association, recalls that he adored Carl from the moment they met.

Juenemann remembers Carl, who has fought for disability rights her whole life, approaching him at an author event at a PNBA trade show to talk about improving access for disabled attendees.

“We had all these autographing lines but we didn’t have pullout seating, and of course, there are some people who are going to be worn out and need a break from standing in line,” he says.

It was the way that Carl advocated for access that struck Juenemann — through conversation and kindness. “She was this immediate quiet presence,” he says, “and she has a ton of grace. I’ve admired her on so many levels ever since. And now, every time we lay out an event we’ve got pullout space.”

That grace and passion came through immediately in The Neverending Bookshop, Juenemann says. When Carl announced that her store was going to focus on feminism, advocacy and genre fiction, he admits now that his first thought was, “It’s already so tough to make a bookshop sustainable, so I always worry when someone really narrows down their selection like that.”

Those fears dissipated the moment that Juenemann stepped into the shop. “I don’t think that anybody would walk into that store and say, ‘This isn’t for me,’” he says. ”They’re going to get deep into the place before they recognize that she has a very specific vision, and by then she’s already won them over.”

Edmonds author Kizzie Jones agrees that Carl’s generous spirit transformed her store into a community hub. When she approached Carl to support the Edmonds writing association Every Person Is Creative, she immediately supplied Neverending Bookshop gift certificates for the organization to use as a prize for a writing contest.

And Carl hosted events for the release of Jones’ dachshund-themed children’s books before, during (on Zoom) and after the pandemic.

“We had one of the nicest, largest turnouts in her space there,” Jones says.
Annie Carl, left, with her mother, Nancy Tietje, and sister, Marie Tietje, in front of The Neverending Bookshop in Edmonds. (Courtesy of Annie Carl)
Carl has recently found a new way of making sense of the world, in the form of writing and publishing books. Last year, she published her debut novella, “Nebula Vibrations,” which deftly combines a deep-space, sci-fi setting with thoughtful examinations of ableism and privilege.

 This year, she edited an anthology titled “Soul Jar,” in which 31 disabled authors explore disability representation through short stories in genres including horror, sci-fi and fantasy.

“I am a writer. My degree is in journalism and I love immersing myself in the written word,” Carl says. 

Starting in January of 2025, she’s going to pursue that writing career full-time. She also hopes to work with local organizations to advocate for improved disability access.

For his part, Juenemann says, “I’m really hoping that we find a way to keep her in the fold” at PNBA. He doesn’t want the organization and its members to lose Carl’s unique perspective and decades of bookselling experience.

All this adds up to one message that Carl would like to impart to readers: “Come buy books from me.” She has begun deeply discounting her stock — every item in the store dropped to 50% off on Black Friday, with more discounts to come — and pricing fixtures to sell to other bookstores. She’s hoping that by the end of the day on the 17th, the store will be more or less empty.
Annie Carl, center, with her mother, Nancy Tietje, and sister, Marie Tietje, at The Neverending Bookshop in Edmonds. (Courtesy of Annie Carl)
Carl, Juenemann and Jones all separately insist that The Neverending Bookshop’s closure is not a tragic story.

“The fact is that Annie has two publishing credits in the last year and a half to her name,” Juenemann says. “She is still in this game. She’s still going to be making an impact in the industry.”

Jones is sad for the closure of a bookshop in Edmonds, but she points out that the venerable Edmonds Bookshop, which hosted the launch party for Carl’s “Soul Jar,” is still selling books downtown, and longtime Seattle bookseller East West Books & Gifts just opened their doors in a new Edmonds location on Nov. 19, “so even as Annie is leaving, a new bookstore is keeping a broad selection available to people who live close by.”

As for Carl, she’s thrilled to close The Neverending Bookshop on her own terms, and prepare for a new writing career. 

“I’m ready to take ownership of my life in a way that I haven’t before,” she says.

By Paul Constant
Special to The Seattle Times

<![CDATA[Clever & Helpful Book When Getting a New Pup]]>Tue, 05 Dec 2023 17:42:10 GMThttps://kizziejones.com/blog/clever-helpful-book-when-getting-a-new-pupPicture
By Raven Howell
Illustrated by Ann Pilicer

Whimsical illustrations and written in rhyme—rescue puppy Murray wins the hearts of his new ‘furever’ family and especially bonds with the little boy.

Together they discover how to navigate the puppy’s new world.

Holiday time is often when a new animal is brought into the home. Unlike gifts that are tucked away on a shelf, dogs need loving care, training, and are a long-term commitment.

Bonus Pet Care Tips are included at the end of the book, helpful for families adding a new dog.

SO YOU WANT A PUPPY is the perfect companion gift when a new dog joins the family.

Raven Howell is a children’s author and poet. She says, “I write quite a bit and illustrate just a little for books and magazines.” SO YOU WANT A PUPPY was bestowed the coveted First Place Little Peeps Children’s Picture Books from the Chanticleer International Book Awards.

To read more from Raven check out her website

or follow her on Facebook

<![CDATA[“Kizzie Jones: Journey as an Author "DE MODE of Literature/DE MODE magazine November 2023]]>Thu, 23 Nov 2023 00:22:42 GMThttps://kizziejones.com/blog/kizzie-jones-journey-as-an-author-de-mode-of-literaturedemode-magazine-november-2023Picture
What to my wondering eyes did appear …

But an invitation to be included in the November 2023 Literature edition of DE MODE Magazine! My writing life interview is spotlighted on pages 35-36!

Nikhil C. Rana (Nick), Founder and Editor-in-Chief, from his greeting to readers From the Editor’s Desk writes:

“We are thrilled to present "From Pen to Paper: 11 Authors Spotlights That Illuminate Creative Minds," an article that offers you exclusive interviews… Dive into the minds of these literary maestros and discover the inspiration behind their remarkable books. From thought-provoking fiction to captivating tales, this section is a literary feast you won't want to miss.

The front cover story of Alfred Quinsay's journey is a testament to the enduring power of passion and the journey of one's dreams.

Additionally, we take a fascinating detour into the world of visual storytelling with the article ‘Photographer Irena Eastington: The Journey and Exclusive Interview.’"

My contact person was co-editor for literature, Gary Bahra. I was sent a list of questions and request for a bio photo, as well as the book to be featured. I sent my answers first to my trusty eagle eye editor. I follow the example of Margaret Atwood, “I don’t even send out a grocery list without sending it first to my editor!”

The DE MODE layout team did a marvelous job of formatting the article. My answers were used as written with a couple of flourishes added by DE MODE.

I’m delighted to have my interview included in this new venue. I am eager to read about and connect with the other spotlighted authors.

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<![CDATA[The Forgotten Punchline]]>Thu, 16 Nov 2023 08:00:00 GMThttps://kizziejones.com/blog/the-forgotten-punchline
Did you ever have a captive audience and carefully set up a joke and then forget the punchline?

Well, this time it was not a joke—it was the backstory about why I decided to translate my Dachshund Tall Tales into other languages that I talked about at the EPIC Lightning Round Author Event hosted by the Edmonds Bookshop, November 16, 2023.

I revealed how I met Professor Winston and his wife, Nix, in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico on November 2, 2013, at the local mall during the Day of the Dead Festivities. Among the costumes, music, altars, and strolling people, I noticed a table with books and children sitting around reading! It seemed like a disconnect to be amidst the ruckus and youth absorbed in reading. I was curious and approached the adults by the table.

I learned how books in Cabo were not readily available outside of school. Also, for children to participate in a reading event, it needed to be held where the children ordinarily frequented as transportation could be a challenge, hence the mall venue. Winston and Nix explained this was the first day of their new reading program.

I shared how I was a children’s picture book author and would be glad to gift a book to their cause.

That was the beginning of my involvement with Sala de Lectura, the Reading Room Literacy Program. Winston offered to translate my books into Spanish. Cabo schoolteachers expressed appreciation for the bilingual editions and warmly welcomed my visits to read and speak about writing.

Back home in Edmonds, I became aware of bilingual schools in Washington. There are German/English schools in Seattle and Tacoma. There is a French School in North Seattle. There are eighty-five schools with varied levels of Spanish immersion classes.

It became evident that the bilingual tête-bêche, (flip-over book) editions were a valuable resource right here at home! I published bilingual editions in Spanish, German and French for my first two books: How Dachshunds Came to Be and A Tall Tale About a Dachshund and a Pelican.  A Tall Tale About Dachshunds in Costumes is available in Spanish and English editions.

My closing remarks—the punchline that I forgot—was to encourage the audience to be mindful about gifting bilingual books this holiday season as schools and fund drives invite the community to donate books.

Edmonds Bookshop has acquired an impressive collection of children’s Spanish books to choose from, happily including my Dachshund Tall Tales!
<![CDATA[Happy Hallo-Wieners: Dachshund Scarecrow Display]]>Fri, 29 Oct 2021 02:21:54 GMThttps://kizziejones.com/blog/happy-hallo-wieners-dachshund-scarecrow-displayPicture
​For the past eight years something always got in the way of fulfilling my dream of creating a dachshund-themed scarecrow display for the #edmondsscarecrowfestival contest. I was either working full time, traveling, or I was sick. This year, the autumn ushered in not only colorful leaves but also the winds to clear my calendar! I would enter the Nineth Edmonds Scarecrow Festival!

My daughter, Kizzie Marie and I joined our creative forces. The first stop was the Country Farms on the corner of Highway 99 and 228th. The owner, Aaron and workers Cynthia and Debby couldn’t have been more helpful and supportive as Kizzie Marie, and I thoughtfully inspected the size and shapes of the many available pumpkins, squash, and gourds.

​As with any creative process, there are the many, “nos” before we found the “oh, yes!” In response to my first attempt, Kizzie Marie said, “This pumpkin head reminds me of the olden-days wooden-duck toy pulled by a string.”

Another creature had no neck. Then the pumpkin choice for the neck was too big.
Finally, like baby bear’s porridge, we found just the right sized small pumpkin for the neck and a dachshund shaped head with a long nose!
We purchased enough pieces for three dachshund critters.
We also bought three small ornamental corn cobs. The husk glued and secured with toothpicks made great long floppy ears. By drilling a hole in the base of the cob, we inserted one end of a dowel and the other end we pushed into the lower back side of the long squash, which made the tail.
Next stop was Joanne’s for googlie eyes, black fuzzy noses, 36 3/8” wooden dowels, an autumn wreath, and several small bundles of straw.

A worktable was set up in the carport.

​We laid out the pumpkins for one dachshund at a time. As if surgeons preparing for a medical procedure, we laid out our tools: drill, hammer, pliers, and heavy-duty rubberized waterproof glue.
Our red wheelbarrow was placed out front. We filled the bottom with cinderblocks and covered them with dried bamboo leaves from our backyard and the straw.
Of course, we took time to introduce our real-life dachshunds to each pumpkin critter!
How terrific to finally submit a Dachshund Scarecrow Display for the 2021 Edmonds Scarecrow Festival Contest!
What great fun it is to see people stopping by to look and to watch them laugh and smile!